Who We Are

Serving to provide greater access to justice for our Central Indiana neighbors, donors to the Indianapolis Bar Foundation have given dollars and time to support more than 21,000 central Indiana residents in the last five years alone.

Founded in 1968, the IndyBar Foundation is a community-focused leader of our local legal profession. The Foundation was created by Association President Paul H. Buchanan, Jr. and other influential members to provide a charitable opportunity for members and friends of the Indianapolis legal community to donate time and money to provide support to central Indiana families of limited means experiencing legal problems and to help support law students and young lawyers as they embark on their careers. Since its inception, the IndyBar Foundation has granted more than $2.5 million to support educational, cultural, character-building and community service organizations. 

Exceptional community leadership and professionalism among Indy's lawyers is recognized through the foundation's Distinguished Fellows program which was formed in 1982. Each year a limited number of attorneys are selected for recognition and demonstrate their commitment to the community with a gift to the endowment. To date, there are more than 1,500 central Indiana attorneys have earned this distinction. In 2008, Life Fellow recognition was added for those whose commitment to the profession was ongoing.

The foundation's ongoing grants and programs are maintained solely through the generosity and energy of its directors, fellows, and donors. To further its mission and to make a greater impact serving families in our community, the foundation asks for your financial and volunteer support.